Court Sessions
Court sessions are blocks of time that define the nature of court business to be used for scheduling events. The setup for a court session defines when the session takes place, which case categories and hearing types can be heard during that time, how the hearings proceed, and the capacity limit for the session (e.g., number of hearings). It is associated with specific resources (e.g., specific location, court officials).
The way the Court Session page is displayed depends on the session setup. Within a session, hearings can start at :
Court Session Header
The following information is displayed at the top of all court session types.
Option Option Description
Court Session The name of the court session is displayed. Click the link to modify the court session setup fields.
Date The date for which the court session is scheduled is displayed.
Resources The resources that have been assigned to this session are displayed. If there are required resources for this session that have not been scheduled yet, Image is displayed. Click to select resources.
Calendar The calendar from which you accessed the court session is displayed.
Time The assigned times for the court session is displayed.
Show Rescheduled Hearings Select this check box to view hearings that have been rescheduled in the court sessions table.
Hearings that have been rescheduled or reset have a linked number in brackets displayed in the Reschedule column. Click this link to view the hearing history.
Show Resulted Hearings Select this check box to view hearings that have results.
Capacity This read-only field displays how close to capacity the session is, depending on how the limit for the session is set up. Since the hearings start at the same time, the limit can be based on quantity or duration.
If the limit is based on quantity, the capacity displays the number of hearings scheduled and the number allowed (e.g., 8 of 15).
If the limit is based on duration, the capacity displays the amount of time already scheduled and the amount allowed (e.g., 1h 15m of 2h 30m).
If the limit is based on either quantity or duration, the capacity displays both the number of hearings scheduled and the number allowed (e.g., 8 of 15) and the amount of time already scheduled and the amount allowed (e.g., 1h 15m of 2h 30m).
Court Session Table
The following columns are displayed in the court session table.
Column Description
Time This column displays the time slots available for the hearings.
Type / Duration This column shows the type of hearing that is scheduled and how much time is allotted for the hearing. If the hearing has not been rescheduled, click the hearing type to modify the hearing.
If the hearing is a reset or continuance, click the link to view the hearing history.
Case Number / Style or Defendant This column displays the case number for the hearing and the name of the case. Click the case number to access the case Summary tab.
If an image is associated with an event on the case, Image is displayed beside the case number.
If the case is a criminal case, only the defendant's name is displayed.
If the first defendant on a criminal case is linked to an active Jail Manager jailing or if the defendant’s party record has the Party in Jail check box selected, Image is displayed next to the defendant’s name.
Lead Attys This column displays the lead attorneys of the parties they represent (i.e., plaintiff, defendant, and ward). A letter before the attorney's name represents the connection to the party (e.g., P for plaintiff, D for defendant). If the party is marked as Pro Se for the case, this column displays the words "Pro Se."
If you have the right to edit attorney information, click the attorney's last name to modify the attorney record.
Rescheduled If the hearing is rescheduled, the type and date that it is rescheduled to is displayed. Click the hearing type to go to the new hearing date on the calendar.
If it is a rescheduled hearing, the type and date it was rescheduled from is displayed here. Click the hearing type to go to the prior hearing setting.
If it is a rescheduled hearing that is rescheduled again, both dates are displayed.
Actions This column displays various icons, indicating which actions have taken place on this hearing.
•  If the Interpreter Required check box is selected on the hearing and an interpreter has not been assigned, Image is displayed. Click to complete the interpreter fields.
•  If the Interpreter Required check box is selected on the hearing and an interpreter is assigned, Image is displayed. Click to complete the interpreter fields.
•  If a result is entered for the hearing, Image is displayed. Click to view the courtroom minute fields.
•  If secure notes have been entered for the hearing, Image is displayed. If you were the one who entered the notes, click to view the secure notes.
Mark Click this link to copy all hearings settings for this session to the reschedule clipboard. If only some settings are marked, clicking this option copies all hearings from this session to the clipboard. If all setting are marked for rescheduling, clicking this link removes all of the hearings for this session from the clipboard.
Court Session Options
The following options are available for all court session types.
Option Option Description
Filter Click to filter the hearing results that are displayed in the table.
Clear Filter Click to remove filters and view all hearings.
Create List Use this option to create a List Manager list that contains the cases assigned to the court session.
Close Session / Open Session If the session can be closed prior to capacity, click Close Session to close the session.
After a session is closed, this link changes to Open Session. Click to reopen the court session.
Print/Send Notices Click to select the hearing notice options for the court session.
Image Click to see if any party in the court session has an active warrant.
Image Click to print hearings-based forms for the cases in the court session.
Image When hearings have been copied to the clipboard from a session, this icon is displayed. Click to complete the reset hearing fields for to the session you are currently in.
Image Click to select the calendar type and complete the session report fields to print a listing of the scheduled hearings for this court session.
Image Click to print the selected document images for the cases within the session.
Image Click to add a hearing to the court session.
Image / Image If a hearing is not marked for an action, Image is displayed in the Mark column. Click it to select the hearing, and this icon changes to Image.
If the hearing is marked for an action, Image is displayed in the Mark column.
Right-click Options
The following options are available for all court session types.
Right-click Option Option Description
Enter Secure Notes / View Secure Notes Select this option to enter secure notes. These notes can only be viewed by the person who entered them.
If notes have already been entered for the hearing, this option changes to View Secure Notes.
Enter Minutes Select this option to view the courtroom minute fields.
Mark to the Reset Clipboard This option marks the individual hearing for reset (Image) and adds it to the reset setting clipboard (Image).
Reschedule Now Select this option to reschedule the hearing immediately.
Send Notice Select this option to select a notice setup and print a notice for the hearing.
Cancel Hearing Select this option to cancel the setting and make the setting's original time available so other settings can be scheduled
Delete Hearing Select this option to delete the hearing from the case.
Mark All Hearings to the Reset Clipboard Select this option to mark all active hearings that are not already marked for reset (identified by Image in the Mark column) and add them to the reset clipboard (Image).
Schedule Hearing for Another Case Select this option to add a hearing to the court session.
Delete Right-click Image and select Delete to delete the minutes on a hearing.
Right-click Image and select Delete to delete the secure notes.