Court Session Resource Selection
When setting up or modifying court sessions, you have the option to select required and optional resources.
The Select Court Session Resources dialog box is where you can assign resources to a session. It is divided into two sections: Resources to Be Scheduled and Additional Resources.
Resources to Be Scheduled
Resources can be automatically added depending on the hearing type code, or a user can add them to a specific court session. Default resources for hearing types are set up by your system administrator.
Click Image to select a resource to be scheduled.
The following information is displayed in this section.
Column Name Description
Type The resource types listed here have been designated as required for a hearing. These can be automatically added depending on the hearing type code, or a user can add them to a specific court session. Default resources for hearing types are set up by your system administrator.
Resource Using the list of available options, select the resource you want for the session. This list displays only the resources associated with the Type selected.
Needed To This displays whether a resource is required before a hearing can be scheduled or before it occurs.
If a resource is required for a hearing to be scheduled, you cannot save the information until you select a resource.
If resources are required before a hearing takes place and none are selected, Image is displayed next to the Resources field when you view the court session.
Additional Resources
The following information is displayed in this section.
Column Name Description
Type These resource types have been designated as additional and therefore are required to schedule a hearing. Any default resource types displayed here are default resources that are not included in the hearing type defaults. Default resources for the calendar are set up by your system administrator. Additional resource types can also be added to individual court sessions by a user.
Resource Using the list of available options, select the resource you want for the session.
After assigning resources, click Continue (ALT+C) to store the new resource information in the system.