Reset Settings Fields
Complete the following fields to reset hearing settings.
Reset Settings Fields
Field Name Field Description
Reschedule “As Is” Select this check box to carry over the original times of the hearing when rescheduling. If you are rescheduling into a time interval session, the hearing will be rescheduled as a best match to the original time.
Reset This column shows you which settings are selected to be reset to the current session. Select the checked box for the hearing setting to be reset. You cannot select settings that are already on the current session.
Click the Select All (ALT+A) button at the bottom of the dialog box to automatically select all of the settings on the clipboard. All of the check boxes in the Reset column will be selected with this option.
If all of the settings are already selected, you have the option to click Clear All (ALT+A) to clear the check boxes in the Reset column.
Reason Select the reason for the reset from the list of available reset reasons.
Image Click to copy the current setting's reason to the settings below that one. For example, if you are on the second setting on the clipboard, that setting's reason will copy down to the third, fourth, and fifth setting when you click this icon. If you change the reason for the fourth setting and click this icon, the fifth setting's reason changes as well.