The Left Panel is located on the left side of the Odyssey Navigator screen. You can use this section to manage your favorites,
assigned tasks, jobs, and messages by using the following tabs: Favorites, Tasks, Jobs, and Messages.
Favorites Tab
The first tab on the Left Panel is the Favorites tab. From the Favorites tab, you can manage your favorites, including adding, grouping, renaming, and deleting favorites.
Favorites tab has two viewing options:
Selecting an item from the Favorites list opens the item in the Main Work Area.
Tasks Tab
The second tab on the Left Panel is the Tasks tab. Use this tab to manage your queues and tasks, based on rights and roles.
Note: The Tasks tab contains the information that was previously found in Task Manager in Odyssey Assistant.
Tasks tab has three defined viewing options:
Note: Additional viewing options are also available.
Selecting an item from the Tasks list opens a Task Detail page on the Tasks tab.
Additional options are available from the Task Detail page.
Jobs Tab
The third tab on the Left Panel is the Jobs tab. The Jobs tab allows you to manage your jobs, based on rights and roles.
This tab consists of two views:
Selecting an item from the Jobs list opens a Job Detail page on the Jobs tab.
Additional options are available from the Job Detail page for both the Job History and Job Queues views.
Messages Tab
The Messages tab displays items related to completed jobs and reports, broadcast messages, and other notifications.
Note: A message window is displayed for 30 seconds before the message is available on the Messages tab.
You can select some items listed in the Messages tab to view the results. These items can include jobs that have processing errors. Items with errors can be re-queued.