In Odyssey, hearings are calendared events. They include proceedings in which arguments, witnesses, or evidence is heard by
a judicial officer or administrative body including court events, such as trials and motion hearings. Hearings also include
conferences aimed at pre-trial settlement or quasi-judicial events involving alternate dispute resolution. The Hearings tab is available for case, party, and inmate records.
A hearing consists of one or more settings. A setting is a specific date and time for a hearing that is added to the hearing
when you schedule it. Each setting is scheduled within a court session on a calendar.
When adding a case, the Hearings tab is not immediately available; however, once a case is added, you can enter hearing information through an event, from
the Hearings tab, or from a court session on a calendar. Multiple hearings can be set up for a case from the Hearings tab. After a hearing is set, you can reschedule the hearing if needed and add hearing results once it is over.
Hearings can be added to a single case through the Hearings tab through court sessions or in a batch through the Court Administration option located on the home page.
When viewing a case, you can access court sessions from the Hearings tab or from the Modify Hearings dialog box.
When overdue or active time standards exist on a case, they are present on the Hearings tab on a case. By hovering over the Time Standards label on the Hearings tab, a tool tip displays a list of the case’s time standards. The Time Standards label is present when overdue or active time standards exist on a case.
Hearings Tab Options
Option |
Description |
Sort |
There are three ways to sort hearings for a case:
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Select Date Order to list the oldest hearings first according to their earliest setting and setting time if available. |
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Select Reverse Date Order to list the most recent hearings first according to their earliest setting and setting time if available. |
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Select Type to list hearings alphabetically according to the hearing type. |
Show Deleted Items |
If there are deleted hearings on the case, this check box is displayed above the list of hearings. Select to show the deleted
hearings. The deleted hearings display in a gray text with a line through them.
Show |
Select one of the following options for how you want to display the hearings:
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Select All Hearings to display all hearings. |
• |
Select Today's Hearings to display only hearings with a setting scheduled to occur today. |
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Select Future Hearings to display only hearings with setting scheduled to occur after today. |
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Select Past Hearings to display only hearings with settings scheduled to occur before today. |
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Select Canceled Hearings to display only canceled hearings. |
If Show Deleted Items is selected, the deleted hearings are displayed in the appropriate views (e.g., if a hearing with a future date was deleted,
that hearing is displayed when you select Future Hearings).
Hearing Comments |
If you are viewing hearings for a case, select this check box to view the hearing comments on the tab. |
Show Matches per Page |
If you are viewing hearings for a party or inmate, select how many hearings you want to show on the tab. |
This icon is displayed if some of the hearing's settings have been reset or continued, canceled as the result of a reschedule,
or canceled individually. It is also displayed if the hearing is deleted. Pause the mouse pointer on this icon to view how
many times the hearing is reset, continued, or canceled. Click to view the hearing history.
If the hearing has related events, this icon is displayed. Click to access the event details. |
This icon is displayed if the Interpreter Required check box is selected for the hearing and an interpreter has not been selected. Click it to access the interpreter fields.
This icon is displayed if the Interpreter Required check box is selected for the hearing and an interpreter is assigned. Click it to access the interpreter fields.
Click this icon to access the courtroom minutes for the latest hearing setting.
This icon is displayed if you have access to a scanner through your computer. Click it to scan and link documents to the hearing. |
This icon is displayed if there are images attached to the hearing that you have the right to view. Click it to view the image. |
This icon denotes journal entries requiring follow-up action. A journal entry is entered via courtroom minutes and marked
for follow-up. Click the icon to access the hearing options. Modify the journal entry by clicking .
This green icon is displayed beside a setting where at least one journal entry is marked as non-viewable. Click it to access
the hearing options.
This blue icon is displayed beside a setting where at least one journal entry is marked as non-viewable and is flagged for
follow-up. Click it to access the hearing options.
Right-click Options
Right-click Option |
Description |
Add Related Event |
Select this option to add a related event to the selected event using a new Event dialog box.
Scan Document |
Scan a document into electronic format and associate it with the case. This first accesses the Add New Image dialog box to name the new document or image.
Odyssey then continues to the Document Viewer dialog box. If there is a scanner attached, the dialog will be in 'scan' mode.
Attach Document |
Add an existing document into Odyssey and associate it with the case. Accesses the Add Document dialog box for providing a description and defining the type of file. After the information is defined, Odyssey launches
the Open a File dialog box to browse the network and select one, or many documents to attach.
Link Document |
Available when the Document Indexing Viewer is currently open or launched. Links the document, currently shown in the viewer,
with the service event selected.
Relate Document |
Available when there are documents currently associated with the case. Launches the Select Documents dialog box so the user may associate one or many documents with the service event.
Print/Send Notice |
Select this option to select a notice setup and print a notice for the hearing.
Print Minutes |
Select to print the minutes for the hearing. |
Cancel |
Select to cancel a hearing if a conflict arises so that the hearing cannot be held.
Delete |
Select to delete the hearing from the case.
Undelete |
If a hearing has been deleted, right-click it and select this option to restore the hearing. |