Hearing Fields
Complete the following fields to modify hearings on a case.
Hearing Fields
Field Name Field Description
Type From the drop-down list, select the hearing type.
Interpreter Required If an interpreter is needed for the hearing, select this check box.
If the check box is selected on the hearing and an interpreter has not been selected, Image is displayed. Click it to add an interpreter.
If the check box is selected on the hearing and an interpreter has been selected, Image is displayed. Click it to modify the interpreter fields.
Priority Type the priority for the hearing. If there is a default for the hearing type, it is automatically displayed here.
Supplemental Hearing Information
When adding a hearing, Odyssey automatically associates all events, charges, and parties with the hearing.
Field Name Field Description
Event Click Image to select the events to associate with the hearing.
Charge Click Image to select the charges to associate with the hearing.
Party Click Image to select the case party to associate with the hearing.
Hearing Options
Use the hearing options on the left side of the dialog box as necessary.