Differences between Navigator and Assistant
Although Odyssey has a new look, all of the old functionality is still in the new Odyssey workspace. Included in this section are a few tips on accessing some of the functionality you may be accustomed to using.
Note: If you cannot locate an item in Odyssey, use the Menu Search function in the Main Menu. Begin typing the item you are looking for, and all items with matching spelling are populated for selection.
Use the following images of Odyssey Navigator and Odyssey Assistant and the table to find the corresponding areas of Odyssey.
Odyssey Navigator Workspace
The numbered areas in the figure of the new Odyssey Navigator workspace and their Odyssey Assistant counterparts are explained in the table below.
Note: Not all available functionality is labeled here.
Number New Odyssey Option Old Odyssey Functionality
1 Add
The Add function on the Main Menu is where you will find functionality such as the following:
•  Adding a case
•  Adding a citation
•  Adding a civil paper
•  Adding a jailing
•  Adding property
•  Adding warrants
2 Find
The Find function on the Main Menu is where you will find functionality such as the following:
•  Finding a case
•  Finding a citation
•  Finding a civil paper
•  Finding a jailing
•  Finding a party
•  Finding protection orders
•  Finding a warrant
3 Reports
The Reports function on the Main Menu is where you will find functionality such as the following:
•  Reports
•  Enterprise Custom Reports
•  Local Reports
4 Tools
The Tools function on the Main Menu is where you will find functionality such as the following:
•  Appointing attorneys
•  Reviewing and sending broadcast messages
•  Accessing List Manager
•  Maintaining calls
•  Maintaining incidents
•  Managing login credentials
•  Monitoring inmate movements
•  Using myOdyssey
•  Proofing judgments
•  Configuring remote document storage
•  Accessing workflow job queues and job history
5 Configure
The Configure function on the Main Menu is where you will find functionality such as the following:
•  Citation template configuration
•  Code configuration and related mappings
•  Document storage configuration
•  Financial configuration
•  Jobs
•  Organizational chart attributes
•  Tokens
6 Tasks
The Tasks tab on the Left Panel is where you access your tasks and related items, based on rights and roles. Additionally, the following functionality is available:
•  Accessing queues
•  Accessing completed tasks
•  Reviewing tasks
•  Signing tasks
•  Working a task
•  Viewing task detail
7 Jobs
The Jobs tab on the Left Panel is where you access your jobs, based on rights and roles. Additionally, the following functions are available:
•  Job history
•  Job queue
8 Messages
The Messages tab on the Left Panel is where you access messages related to completed reports and jobs, workflow notifications, and broadcast messages.