Online Help Window
The Odyssey online help system is delivered in a “web help” format, which means each page or topic is formatted as a web page and presented in an Internet browser. You can view a list of all available topics on the left side of the window and search for information you need.
When in Odyssey, press F1 to access a help topic for the specific page or dialog box you are viewing. You can also click the Help menu, and select Odyssey Help to view the context-sensitive topic or Contents and Index to access the help welcome page.
Note: Contact Tyler’s Technical Publications department at if you cannot access help for a specific area of Odyssey or have any questions regarding the content in the help system.
Online Help Window
The help window is divided into the following areas:
1. Help Topic
The main part of the help window is where useful information is displayed. Each different page is referred to as a topic.
Odyssey help consists mainly of three different types of topics:
•  Concept
Concept topics introduce the background or overview information for the task or reference topics; they should not describe task or reference information.
•  Task
Task topics describe the steps of a particular task or provide an overview of a higher-level task. Task topics should not describe conceptual or reference information.
•  Reference
Reference topics provide quick access to facts. They describe product features, commands, and so on.
2. Contents
Help is designed to display information that relates to the area of Odyssey you are working in. However, if you have a question about another area of the product, use the table of contents to search for help on a different topic.
3. Content Listing
The contents listing consists of books. These books can be compared to chapters in a book, and the topics are the pages in these chapters. Click books to open and close them, and click a topic to view it.
4. Search
Searching allows you to locate any topic that contains the word or words you enter. When you enter a keyword and click Search, all the help topics that contain that keyword are listed along with a preview of where the keyword is located within the topic. When you locate the topic you want to view, click that topic to view it.
Online Help Search Results