The Odyssey online help system is delivered in a “web help” format, which means each page or topic is formatted as a web page
and presented in an Internet browser. You can view a list of all available topics on the left side of the window and search
for information you need.
When in Odyssey, press F1 to access a help topic for the specific page or dialog box you are viewing. You can also click the
Help menu, and select Odyssey Help to view the context-sensitive topic or Contents and Index to access the help welcome page.
Note: Contact Tyler’s Technical Publications department at if you cannot access help for a specific area of Odyssey or have any questions regarding the content in the help system.
Online Help Window
The help window is divided into the following areas:
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Help Topic The main part of the help window is where useful information is displayed. Each different page is referred to as a topic.
Odyssey help consists mainly of three different types of topics:
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Concept Concept topics introduce the background or overview information for the task or reference topics; they should not describe
task or reference information.
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Task Task topics describe the steps of a particular task or provide an overview of a higher-level task. Task topics should not
describe conceptual or reference information.
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Reference Reference topics provide quick access to facts. They describe product features, commands, and so on.
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Contents Help is designed to display information that relates to the area of Odyssey you are working in. However, if you have a question
about another area of the product, use the table of contents to search for help on a different topic.
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Content Listing The contents listing consists of books. These books can be compared to chapters in a book, and the topics are the pages in
these chapters. Click books to open and close them, and click a topic to view it.
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Search Searching allows you to locate any topic that contains the word or words you enter. When you enter a keyword and click Search, all the help topics that contain that keyword are listed along with a preview of where the keyword is located within the
topic. When you locate the topic you want to view, click that topic to view it.
Online Help Search Results