By default, favorites and groups of favorites are sorted in the order in which they were added. You can arrange the order
of your groups and the individual items within the groups in the order you prefer.
To arrange favorites in the list:
1. |
Access the Favorites tab on the Left Panel. |
2. |
Click Manage. The Manage Favorites page is displayed.
3. |
Arrange the order of the favorites within a group or individually, as explained in the following table.
Option |
Description |
Within an existing group
a. |
Click to expand the group you want to arrange. |
b. |
Click and drag the item to the location in the group list. |
Note: A tool tip is displayed to indicate where the item is going to be placed.
Individual items not in a group
Click and drag the item to the desired location in the list.
Note: A tool tip is displayed to indicate where the item is going to be placed.
4. |
Click to return to the list view. Your changes are saved and displayed. |